‘Unseen Unheard:

The untold breast cancer stories of Black women in the UK’

This pioneering, award winning theatre project, commissioned by Gilead Sciences Ltd and developed in collaboration with Black Women Rising, conveys the lived experiences of a group of Black women who are living with or who have had breast cancer. Through the setting of a new cancer support group, the play explores critical health equity issues in UK breast cancer care, including timely diagnosis, access to treatment and care, survival, and representation in the media.

First performed over six nights at Theatre Peckham in spring 2023, the play was written by Naomi Denny and directed by Simon Frederick and Suzann McLean. Since the initial live performances, a video recording of the production has toured key cities in the UK (with public viewings in Birmingham, Brighton, Manchester and Southampton) and has been used as an education tool by critical stakeholders who have the ability to effect change, including major cancer charities and leading hospitals.

Gilead and Black Women Rising have continued their partnership and, in January 2024, an excerpt of the play was performed in Westminster parliament to coincide with the launch of a new United Vision for Change briefing for policy makers. This briefing transforms the experience and emotion of the play into actionable recommendations, developed with the cancer community, to deliver system change on health inequalities.

To complement the briefing, Gilead worked with patient ambassadors at Black Women Rising to develop case studies on their experiences of breast cancer care as a Black woman in England.

For further information on the play please reach out to [email protected].

Using insights from the play and qualitative research, Gilead collaborated with Black Women Rising to launch a United Vision for Change of actionable recommendations, developed with the cancer community, to deliver system change on health inequalities.

Please access interactive case studies from the ambassadors here.

October 2024 UK-UNB-6319